August 9, 2013

More BIG news!

Just a few days ago, I made a big announcement: Christian and I are leaving Amsterdam, getting married under the Mexican sun and moving to California.

And the last bit is just as exciting.

Christian and I are traveling around Asia for 6 months!

This Asian Invasion trip we’ve conjured up has been a plan-in-the-making for about 2-3 years. Actually knowing we’d go on this trip was the very reason I started Let’s Be Adventurers.

After my best friend passed away in April, we are more eager than ever to do this trip—life is for living. Devastation such as that is the very reason why some people say ‘live now’. Life is so uncertain and you never know what it will throw at you. 

After years of inspiration from other RTW trip bloggers, we are ecstatic and feel so lucky to be able to take a once-in-a-lifetime trip like this too.

Reaching this goal of ours has been an unbelievable feeling. Leave it up to crazy us to combine a destination wedding, a transatlantic move and a trip around Asia all after the toughest year of my life. It was something we had planned to do before Julia passed away and while we were so close to nixing all of these crazy plans, we decided to hit the ground running and just go for it—just keep swimming, right? While still grieving the loss of Julia, I know what has happened has made me feel a level of appreciation for life I've never felt before...and as each day passes, I feel stronger and stronger. This wedding, this move, this trip will be filled with so much love and unimaginable inspiration. And ultimately, I’m so so so excited that Christian and I get to experience all of this together.

In mid-November, Christian and I will board a plane for Nepal, then 2 weeks later, to Southeast Asia. At some point in the spring our travel buddies Denis and Emma will meet us and we’ll travel around Southeast Asia together. In those months we plan on exploring anywhere under the sun—Thailand (can't miss!), Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, anywhere—and will end the trip in China, Japan, finally Christian will get to see Petra, Jordan, we’ll stop back over in Amsterdam and Maastricht to visit friends and family then make the one-way flight bound for California. 

So…we need you...

Do you have any favorite spots? 

Must-visit destinations/hostels/restaurants/festivals in Asia? 

What are the most beautiful places you’ve seen or best experiences you’ve had in Asia? 


Jay said...

Wow - definitely a lot of big things happening for you in 2013! Congrats on making some pretty huge life decisions!

Unknown said...

amazing!! what an exciting year for you! make sure that you visit Kyoto in Japan! Such beautiful city!

Jenna said...

I'm so exciting for you both - this is seriously once in a life time :) Asian favorites for me include - Burma {please go!} and within Burma you must, must, must go to Inle Lake. In Cambodia, obviously Phnom Phen, in Vietnam... the Cu Chi tunnels (spelling?) and in Japan, Kyoto and Tokyo... I've also heard so many incredible things about Laos... it's next on my list of SE Asian adventures :)


Norah {Busan and Beyond} said...

So exciting and well-deserved. Don't miss Chiang Mai in N Thailand! Also go to N Luzon in the Philippines. Incredible mountains, beautiful culture. Palawan there is also amazing. Don't miss El Nido!

stefanie hurtado said...

this is so wonderful!! i'm so happyyyy for you!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a very exciting trip that you guys have planned. Its exactly what I would love to do for a honeymoon when me and the mr get married.
I have never been to Asia but friends of mine say that the full moon party in Thailand is not to be missed.

Kristina said...

Such a great decision!! I am sure you will love every minute of your time in Asia. My favorites include the Southern islands in Thailand, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Luang Prabang in Laos, Halong Bay and HoiAn in Vietnam. Looking forward to follow along! x

lauren | eyes/ears/mouth+lens said...

I'm literally bouncing out of my chair right now - this is SO exciting Rachael!!! Oh my gosh you two are going to have the best time on this trip. And this is the first I'm hearing about you moving to California! Hopefully it's in or near LA :)

For suggestions I'd say try to be in Thailand for the Full Moon Party in Koh Phagnan. It's one of those things you have to do while you're there. For Laos, spend a few days in Luang Prabang. It's my absolute favorite city in Asia and you can't miss it. And as for Vietnam, you MUST go on a cruise in Halong Bay for a few days - it's breathtaking. One of the highlights of my backpacking trip that I did two years ago. I wrote all about my trip on my blog so if you search the countries hopefully there will be enough photos and tips to help with your plans.

Email me if you want more specifics :) SO excited for you!! xx

Alli Campbell said...

That's amazing! Agree with Kristina that you can't miss Hoi An in Vietnam. I'd also add Xi'Anin China, and the smaller villages in Yunnan province (Shuhe was our fave). I love all of Thailand but particularly love Bangkok - could easily spend a week there.

Just excuse me, while I live vicariously through you for the next six months or so!

Andi of My Beautiful Adventures said...

WOW how exciting!!!!!!!! I wish you the most amazing adventures!

jessica said...

I did something similar with my fiance a couple years ago- we traveled from CA--Nepal--Thailand--Cambodia--Thailand--Malaysia--Indonesia--California

Our favorite was Nepal- by far, but we're mountain lovers! Thailand introduced us to Scuba diving and had us hooked immediately- Koh Tao was an amazing little island. Less touristy. Cambodia, of course, was amazing for all its temples. Plus, Cambodia is dirt cheap. We took a bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap- total hastle- beware of being ripped off. But, the people of Cambodia were some of the nicest we met. Malaysia was overpriced, in my opinion. I feel you can see/do everything in Thailand that you would in Malaysia. Indonesia was incredible. We went to the small island of Flores to Komodo National Park and splurged on a week long scuba liveaboard. Expensive, but by far one of the most incredible experiences of my life! Due to our scuba addiction, our trip was cut a little short, but we have no regrets.

So excited for you guys! Eat as much Thai food as possible. There really is nothing like it :)